
Virobusters produkter har testats under cirka 20 års tid.

Se resultaten och studierna nedan av opartiska lab och universitet.

Hygieninstitutet biotec gmbH

“Coronavirus surrogate inactivation rates after a single cycle of the VIROBUSTER® STERIBASE® Plus device”

Result: >99.99 % (>4 LOG) 

The goal of the study was to analyse how well the STERIBASE® Plus system inactivates coronavirus surrogates.

Two coronavirus surrogates were used: Phi6 and MS2 bacteriophages.

Phi 6: Cystoviridae, lipid-enveloped virus, dsRNA, MW RNA approx.

13.5 kb, diameter 60-100 nm MS2: Leviviridae, no envelope, ssRNA, MW RNA approx. 4 kb, diameter 26 nm

Type of study: Elimination study

Author(s): Dr. rer. nat. A. Bermpohl

Year of publication: 2020-09

Company: Biotec GmbH

City: Gütersloh

HDZ NRW Ruhr- Universität Bochum

“Analysis of the transmission of airborne viruses via air handling systems and development of disinfection measures”

Result: This study proved UVPE to be more effective than traditional UV-C systems by >3 LOG

The goal of the experiment was to show that traditional filters do not work against viruses and that viruses survive in air handling systems.

According to studies, UV-C systems are an effective alternative.

Author(s):Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. K. Kleesiek und Dr. rer. nat. Jens Dreier

Year of publication: 2009

Company: HDZ NRW Ruhr- Universität Bochum

City: Bochum